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That would be great to see Sales Orders on the Projects screen. Have you added a side panel to the Projects screen for now?
Try =RIGHT([FinPeriodID], 2)It's stored in the database as yyyymm
One question. Did you set permissions on the Journal Transactions data entry screen to Insert? If not, they would be able to pull up any transaction i...
I would think so, but I haven't personally used SPS Commerce
SPS does integrate with Acumatica, but I've never used it personally.
I did something that's sort of like this using SQL here:
@jwright Sorry for the delay. The forums stopped displaying that post from @wyatt-erp on the front-end for some reason, but I could still see the cont...
@ctapiaaguilar I didn't unfortunately
I'm pretty sure that you have to release the Time Activities for them to show up in Project Transactions.
I have an idea, but I need to do some research. One question I have for you: to make it as frictionless as possible, how are they receiving the file i...
I haven't seen this. Sure seems like a buggy thing.
Piggy-backing on Alan's idea, you could set the status to No Purchase when you can no longer get it from a supplier. That will prevent you from being ...
@ballande Nice! Thank you so much for sharing.
I haven't noticed anything like that before. Is it the same build number in both environments?
If you want each one to have a separate page, you'll need a Group Footer because a Group Footer will trigger at the end of every Group while the Repor...
I haven't tried Code 128 before. Were you able to figure it out?
Try using ; instead of a , to separate the email addresses. You might also try only using one of the attributes to start to make sure that works. If...
ClickLearn would be my choice personally, but I haven't actually used it yet, only seen demos.
A Business Event might not be the best idea if you are entering the Payment Method on the Sales Order screen. The reason is that a Business Event gets...
I've heard good things about Lightspeed Voice. So much so that I had them on my Acumatica Podcast:
This is the only way that I know to do a UNION ALL technique in a Generic Inquiry: I haven't tried it yet, but I suspect that new technique i...
Can you take a screenshot of the table relationships in the build schema area?
This is a great, simple idea that makes a ton of sense. Thank you for sharing.
Very cool. Thank you so much for sharing.
@raphael-fournier Hmmm, I haven't looked at this in a while. I think we'd have to run a trace on a Generic Inquiry to see the SQL code that gets gener...
You actually don't even need a report variable for this. I'm typing this on my phone and going off of memory here, but I think you'll get the general ...
Seems fine to me. How are you joining between the AMProdOper and AMProdMatl tables? That could be the issue.
You can do something like this to detect what column you're in:
It looks like you already know the answer 😀 You can do SQL-style commenting like this:
Not that I know of, but you could rename the item IDs to something like ZZZ... so they all sort to the bottom
I don't have any direct experience with this scenario so I can only provide some theoretical thoughts and questions: 1. Your company produces seeds ...
So you can't delete it and you also can't deactivate it?
You could add a variable to the section that is a running total that only calculates when the account number is one of those two accounts. Then you'd ...
Take a look at the Trial Balance Summary report in Report Designer to see what DACs are used there. That should give you a pretty good idea.
That's a good question, I'm not sure. I would try posting on and maybe someone from the Product Management team will respond.
Try joining from ARAdjust to ARPayment on ARAdjust.AdjgDocType=ARPayment.DocType and ARAdjust.AdjgRefNbr=ARPayment.RefNbr, then group by ARPayment.Doc...
Ya, it would be tedious to create the role because you'd have to assign each report individually. As far as I know, there isn't an "Add All Reports" b...
I would start with the ARTran table. That's the basis for the reports that start with Sales Profitability by... and it will allow you to analyze invoi...
That's a great idea. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas on how to detect if a file has been attached.
Try joining from FSServiceOrder.ServiceOrderContactID to FSContact.ContactID
I've wondered the same thing. My assumption is that you'd have to modify all of the screens that use Customer Status to drive the special behavior. No...
Is the UNPUBLISH ALL button on the Customization Projects (SM204505) screen broken for you? Or are you looking for it to unpublish automatically on ...
My personal opinion is $150-$200 per hour
There might be a way to finagle the Import Scenario to do what you're trying to do, but it might be easier to just handle it in Excel using Power Quer...
@sqlrunner I agree, that does seem like a bug
Can you post the DAC code? It seems like a Data Type problem with the Ship Via field. It wouldn't be a problem with the SQL View, but with the DAC cod...