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'ello! Just starting an Acumatica implementation so looking forward to it.
I am from Aldrich Web Solutions. We help companies that are struggling to service their customers online. If your organization is not ready to sell online I can help. We can provide your customers with real-time pricing, inventory, tracking, history, pay invoices, build quotes, and more.
Hello everyone! I am new to Acumatica and SQL in general, but I am the most qualified at my company to learn. I have managed to finagle my way through the system so far, but I know that I will be post here with relative consistency as I run into problems. I have a list of improvements I need to implement, but I have only been able to do trial and error to make it work in some cases.
With 10+ years of Excel under my belt, I am able to create logic statements that can help me brute force GIs to give me what I need, but I know that is probably not best practice. Unfortunately, Report Designer is also not as forgiving to new people. If you see me posting, I might not just be looking for a solution to my problem, but also an explanation as to why the solution works. I hope that one day, I can learn enough about the system to pay it forward and help those in need the same way that people will be helping me in the years to come!
Hello to All group members.
This is Pankaj from India. I know Acumatica and Myob Advanced since 2016. Happy to contribute to this group.
Hi, I am Richard Duke, Co Owner at All Mobile Video in NY.
We have been using Acumatica since 2014. I've been the guy dealing with the data issues and am primarily responsible for bringing Acumatica in house.
We've been working in a 2 tenant environment, and just this year have merged into a single tenant.
I found this site while trying to figure out ways to get starting balances in the Generic Inquiries.
Found several ideas, and though't its a site that seems really good about sharing information and tips. I hope to be able to reciprocate with other users.
Hi there, I'm Ben Viall, the founder of CyberWorkshop.
For the last 10+ years we've been helping businesses with their B2C and B2B ERP to Shopify ecommerce integrations.
Most recently, we launched our very own public Shopify app, InSyncer, which simplifies connecting Acumatica with Shopify
Looking forward to learning from and contributing here.