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Hello. probably a silly questions but how do I add a Page Break to my report. I need to print Terms and Conditions on the back of my quotes so how do I ensure a breaks occurs before the T&C's so it prints on the back of the page?
Hi @mmaxwell,
Hopefully you have a Group section in your report. If so, there is a PageBreak option that you can use. I would set it to Before.
Thanks Tim
Just tried that and it does not seem t have any effect. After adding the Before option (I also tried After and Before & After) and content after the Group Section is just pushed further down the same page with no apparent page break happening. .See the attached screenshot
Are you using the HTML or PDF version of the report?
It's a PDF version. I'm guessing that makes a big difference?
Hmmm, I was hoping you would say HTML. PDF usually handles the rendering better.
Can you attach the .rpx file here? I can see if I have the same issue as you in my environment.
I think the problem might be that you have your Conditional of Sale in the pageFooterSection1 area which causes it to print on every page.
If you move it to the reportFooterSection1 area, then it should only print at the end of the report.
I set your pageFooterSection1 area to not be visible. Then I added the following really light reportFooterSection1 area:
It seemed to do what you are looking for:
Thanks Tim
When I open up the template I do not see the reportFooterSection1. Did you add that section? Is it something I can add to the template?
It's not so intuitive unfortunately. To enable the section, you can right-click anywhere in the white area, then turn it on.
Thanks Tim. Finally got there! Thanks for all the tips!
Awesome! Glad you were able to get it working.
Hi Tim
Great tip on the Report Footer (this helped me with getting my subreport to show AFTER the main report, not within it)
Any ideas on how to get subreport page breaks working? I've got all the correct data, its just that it stacks it all onto one long additional page.
I've tried various PageBreak and KeepTogether toggles but can't seem to get it the subreport to put each item on a new page.
If you want each one to have a separate page, you'll need a Group Footer because a Group Footer will trigger at the end of every Group while the Report Footer will only trigger once at the end of the Report.