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I'm trying to add a Business Event to add a SO Line when a Payment Method is CC (Credit Card).
I have tried reading all online documentation, including a substandard video on Acumatica's site itself, and other online video tutorials, but am not getting what I need to do.
I would appreciate if someone could walk through the steps, and give an example. I feel I am close, but can't get it to add the line.
In history it shows it running, but nothing is ever added. I am sure I am missing something basic - 1 step somewhere. I wish the documentation was better. It is pretty bare bones.
I code, and do customizations, but have never used the Business Events feature and trying to learn.
Appreciate any feedback.
You need to have all the details you want to import in the GI you are using for the business event, and also there needs to be a <Line Number> -1 line in your import, post your GI and Import scenario if you wish
A Business Event might not be the best idea if you are entering the Payment Method on the Sales Order screen. The reason is that a Business Event gets triggered, but hands it off to a separate message queue to do the work which could take a few seconds to happen. Once it adds the line, you will then have a conflict with saving the Sales Order that you're working on because a previous save already happened.
The Workflow Engine might be better for this. It can add the line in real time while you're working on the Sales Order.