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Has anyone been successful in adding the tracking information from the boxes tab of a shipment to the SO invoice form and if so how did you map the fields?
Hello nheuer!
I've edited mine extensively, but let's assume you've included the SOOrder table in your joins on the invoice report and start from there, so we don't bloat this post:
Additional Table Join #1:
SOOrder LeftJoin SOOrderShipment
OrderType (prevents collisions should you have two types with identical numbering schemes)
Additional Table Join #2:
SOOrderShipment LeftJoin SOPackageDetail
From here, you should have access to all your line level items shown under: Shipments -> Packages. If this is not what you needed, let me know and I'll try to dig around a bit more for you. This unlocks fields such as: SOPackageDetail.TrackNumber and SOPackageDetail.CustomRefNbr1.
I ran these joins in a Generic Inquiry as a test (we don't use the packages tab in my company). If for some reason the report writer won't accept the logic above, I'll edit my invoices report directly and send you screen shots, just let me know if anything is amiss.
Just make sure you do it as a Subreport since there could easily be more than one Package for a given Shipment.
You have to wonder why Acumatica has not included this in the main form . With a check mark in Sales Preference area to allow users to use the feature out of the box.
One to many relationship.
Sometimes we ship as many as 25 packages for one shipment so there is no room to list all tracking numbers. Since most carriers (UPS and FedEx, at least) will group multiple packages using one tracking number, we just show the tracking number from carton 1. We did it as follows:
On the invoice:
Establish a parameter "One" in order to designate the carton number...
Join to Package Detail and carton 1...
Use this expression on the invoice:
We also list =[SOShipment.ShipVia_description] in order to display "FedEx Ground" or whatever.