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We have formatted our Sales Order / Invoice reports with a column for Discount, so that when there is no discount, the info in this column is not visible, and when there is a discount that it shows.
I am running into issue now where if there is a discount, but it is not on SOLine1, then the column header "Discount" still remains invisible. How would I change the Visible Expression to display the column header if ANY SOLines have a discount entered?
My Visible Expression for both the column header and the line item discount is: "=[SOLine.DiscPct]<>0" I am thinking I need to change this for the column header.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry for saying but this requirement seems like an exercise in futility. If it were me I would make the column header static, and potentially show 0% for those with no discount, or perhaps have no header at all and just write "x% disc." on each row where there is a discount.
ps. You could try changing the Process Order to Always but I don't think it would fix it. In the header you are referring to a detail value which changes with each detail row.
Thank you for the quick reply Royce, but that is unfortunate..
Is there no way to make an "If" statement? Or an "Or" statement? Something along the lines of: If(SOLine1=0, If(SOLine2=0,0,Visible),Visible) or... =Or(SOLine1.DiscPct<>0,SOLine2.DiscPct<>0,SOLine3.DiscPct<>0)
I am very familiar with Excel formulas, but I'm still very new to Report Designer and how to set up formulas within it. Thanks again.
I think the issue is using fields from SOLine. I feel like your report will work if you would set the visibility expression to something like IF(SOOrder.DiscTot > 0).
I understood the requirement to be if there is a Discount on the page, then show the header but if no lines on the page have a discount then don't show it. Meaning some pages have the Discount header and some do not. Is that correct? Or are you only looking to show the header if there is at least one line with a discount?