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Inventory Aging Report (QQ100001)
Uses the cost tier layers in Acumatica to put your inventory into aging buckets based on the date each inventory layer was received. A Pivot Table is included which summarizes the data by Warehouse and Inventory ID. This GI only works for Stock Items that are using a Valuation Method of FIFO or Specific. Unfortunately, this GI is not able to age your inventory if you are using Standard or Average for your Valuation Method.Wyatt.ERP Technique (QQ100002)
Combines Purchase Order Lines and Sales Order Lines together in one Generic Inquiry, showing the Order #, Whse, Item, and Qty for each line. A Pivot Table is included which summarizes the data by Item, allowing you to see whether there is a net Qty supply or net Qty demand for each Item.GL Trial Balance (QQ100003)
This mimics the existing Trial Balance Detailed (GL632500) report, but in a Generic Inquiry format rather than a printable report that was designed with Report Designer. Having this information in a GI allows you to sort/filter on any column and get a cleaner export to Excel.AR Invoice Lines (QQ100004)
There are multiple reports that allow you to analyze sales and profitability (Sales Profitability by Salesperson and Customer (AR673000), Sales Profitability by Customer and Order (AR672000), etc.). This Generic Inquiry gives you the detailed data that supports those reports so you can do your own analysis by exporting to Excel or adding Pivot Tables to slice and dice by Customer, Customer Class, Salesperson, Item, Item Class, etc.Sales Order Lines (QQ100005)
Out-of-the-box, Acumatica ships with a Sales Orders Generic Inquiry, but, if you want to do analysis on line items, line prices, etc., you need to look at Sales Order Lines. This Generic Inquiry allows you to see the individual lines on each Sales Order.Purchase Order Lines (QQ100006)
This is basically the same as Sales Order Lines, but for Purchase Orders. You can see the individual lines with the Items, Quantities, Costs, etc.Historical Inventory Valuation (QQ100007)
The out-of-the-box Historical Inventory Valuation (IN617000) report in Acumatica is nice, but the format isn't very user friendly. This Generic Inquiry gives you the same information, but in a more friendly Generic Inquiry format. You can use the BY GL ACCOUNT Pivot Table to reconcile the totals to the Historical Inventory Valuation (IN617000) report. You can use the BY WAREHOUSE Pivot Table to see totals by Warehouse which the Historical Inventory Valuation (IN617000) report doesn't do. The Branch and Period parameters can be left empty to leave everything unfiltered.Net Sales by Item with Margin (QQ100008)
This Generic Inquiry is similar to the AR Invoice Lines (QQ100004) Generic Inquiry in that it's based on AR Invoice Lines, but this one is different because it's grouped by Item so you can see totals by Item. Also, you can sort by the Margin % column to see which Items are most profitable.Customer Days To Pay (QQ100009)
Ever wonder how long it takes your Customers to pay their Invoices? This Generic Inquiry looks at AR Invoices that have a Type of Invoice and a Status of Closed. Then it shows how long it took (in days) for each Invoice to close, both based on Date and Due Date. Use the AVERAGE DAYS TO CLOSE Pivot Table to see totals by Customer and find out who takes the longest to pay.Generic Inquiry List (QQ100010)
Once you start creating a lot of Generic Inquiries, you quickly discover that it might be nice to have a list of all of those Generic Inquiries. Hey, why not build a Generic Inquiry that lists all of the Generic Inquiries in Acumatica, sorted by most recently modified on top? Well, that's what we have here.Customer Addresses and Contacts (QQ100011)
Customers have lots of associated addresses and contacts. They have a General Address, a General Contact, a Billing Address, a Shipping Address, a Billing Contact, and a Shipping Contact. This Generic Inquiry collects all of those addresses and contacts into one place.Customer Default Salespeople (QQ100012)
Sometimes you want a simple list of Customers with their default Salespeople and those Salesperson's email addresses. It can be a little tricky though because there are a number of tables involved. This Generic Inquiry brings them all together in one place. The Salesperson email address comes from the Employee record based on the link between Salesperson and Employee shown in one of the screenshots.Customized Reports (QQ100013)
Quickly see all of your customized reports in one place, with the most recently modified report listed first. Especially useful when you're upgrading to a new version of Acumatica and you need to know which reports to test.Screen Last Accessed (QQ100014)
You can learn A LOT about how Acumatica is used in your organization by looking at what screens people use.Browsing the data in the Access History (SM201045) screen in Acumatica is nice, but it's information overload.
This Screen Last Accessed (QQ100014) inquiry only shows one record per Screen/User, then it shows the last time that a User accessed that Screen.
How many different screens did someone use in the last 10 days?
How many different people used a specific screen in the last 20 days?
You can easily find that out using this inquiry.
Sales Order Notes (QQ100015)
Do you keep track of notes on your Sales Orders? This inquiry will allow you to search all of those notes in one place. You can search both Header notes and Line notes.Duplicate Vendor Invoices (QQ100016)
Need to catch those pesky duplicate Vendor Invoices? This inquiry finds those Vendor Ref. values that were used more than once for a specific Vendor.