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Dear AUG Forums Users,
I have one simple question for you.
How can we make AUG better?
I'd love to hear your feedback.
It's already pretty awesome - I'm drawing a blank here
Thanks Royce.
Top of my list at the moment is to find a way to allow pasting an image from your clipboard directly into the post editor so we won't have to use imgur.
A board dedicated for Service Management
Done, great idea Carl. Do you have anything you can post so the forum won't be empty?
Thanks Carl. I haven't done much with the module yet myself, but I'll try to think of something to contribute too.
When you go to Recent Posts, open a post and Reply only to discover that you need to Logon. Then you Logon and get dumped back in the AUG top level view. Then have to go Recent Posts and find the Post again and then hit Reply. A login initiated from a Reply should remember the page that was attempting to access (Reply to message) and then after login navigate direct to the page. This is fairly standard for any good UX.
While on the topic, why do i need to login so often on this site? I would think a cookie session expiry of 30 days should be sufficient. I suspect it is currently 7 or 10 days.
Thanks for the feedback Royce. I hadn't noticed that since I login via a different method. Let me see if I can extend the cookie expiration to 30 days or something like that.
Is there a place to share posts to to help garner attention to ideas important to you? Instead of creating a new thread for each idea you want to talk about...
Shameless plug: please vote on this!
Hey @wyatt-erp,
There are already so many forums. I'm trying to avoid creating too many more. Maybe just use the Everything Else forums for shameless plugs?
I think I fixed the login setting to keep you on your current page when you login. Please let me know if that isn't working for you.
As for extending the cookie expiration, I still need to look at that.
Yes, a cookie that gets stored in your web browser is how websites keep you logged in. Royce is requesting that the life of the cookie be extended.
Things are much worse now @tim-rodman
After logging in I get taken to this page:
And now i am seeing this annoying [OneAll] security messages at various places on the site.
Ya, two things going on. First thing, for the login, are you using the new Login buttons above the forums?
Second thing, for the errors, I'm working on that. I just moved everything from to to be more official and get official recognition from Acumatica, but I'm battling some issues.
Can you try doing a hard refresh using Ctrl-F5 to clear the browser cache? That solved the OneAll error for me. I need to figure out why the Reply->Login method is taking you to that page now that I understand the navigation you are using.
In the meantime, try using the new login buttons on the top (assuming the hard refresh fixed them). They should only be displayed if you aren't logged in. And logging in using those buttons should keep you on the current page.