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Is there any way to send an internal note from a Sales Order through to a Shipment?
E.g. the salesperson may need to send an internal note to the dispatch person like "Make sure you pack this in blue boxes please..."
Is there any way to do this?
I note that the Customer screen has the option for a pop up note, but this isn't available on Sales Orders...
Check Order Type ScreenID(SO201000)
it has Copy Notes
not sure that is the one can copy to shipment or invoice.
Do you want it to print on the shipment paperwork? Or pop-up when you open the Shipment record? Or send an email notification?
As you figure out a solution, something else you may need - notes from the customer to make it to the shipment. That way you won’t have to reenter notes on each order. We have both customer notes and notes from the order print on the pick ticket.
We don't want it to show on the shipment paperwork - we don't want the customer to see these internal notes at all.
A pop-up notification would be best I think, as then any dispatch person will see it when they open the shipment.
Alternatively, I ave wondered about a notes field that is currently on the Sales Order page that is on/could be added to the Shipment screen; but I don't know of any.
You could customize something pretty quickly that displays a pop up with the sales order note. Just be aware that the SO number is found on the shipment line items and not the shipment. You can have multiple sales orders per shipment, so Acumatica does not store the sales order on the shipment. Just grab it off the first line item.
For a non-customization solution, you could add an item calls notes and put it as the first item on the order. You could even then force the dispatcher to put a quantity on the shipment for the note item to confirm them saw the note.