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Has anyone successfully created an import scenario to renumber an existing chart of accounts? On the UI, it's easy to enter a new account number, then select the "Yes" in the dialog box that confirms you want to change the key, but I have an extensive chart of accounts that needs to be renumbered. I've tried a couple of different methods but so far have not been able to get it to work.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
After a couple of attempts, I got the following to work. Not the most elegant solution I'm sure, but it got the job done.
I agree, not ideal, but I wasn't able to figure out how to do it on the Account rather than the Description field either. And your solution totally gets the job done.
Thanks so much for including your solution. I've wondered if this was possible, but hadn't had a chance to try it yet.
Including my screenshots of it working in my environment too:
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) screen before running the import scenario:
My Excel file used for the Import Scenario:
My Import Scenarios (SM206025) screen which I copied from your setup:
Chart of Accounts (GL202500) screen after running the import scenario with Account numbers successfully changed:
I just wanted to add a little to this. First thank you so much for posting your solution! As Tim referenced, my comfort level with searching by Description wasn't the highest so a first pass I made was in a different Import Scenario to update the Description so I could guarantee uniqueness, by including the new account number as a part of the text. Then, I used that description as the key for the update. After all account numbers are updated, a final update of the Description import scenario removes the account number and puts things back the way the users expect it to look.