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Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me, I am creating a customer Projected Payment Report based off Bills Pending Payment, and the report is good except for the totals I am looking for at the end. The $PayAmount variable is making this tricky for me. I simply want to sum everything less than the report date (Yellow) and greater than or equal to the report date of 06/08/2024 (Red).
Thank you
You actually don't even need a report variable for this. I'm typing this on my phone and going off of memory here, but I think you'll get the general idea. You could do something like this:
=IIf( DateDiff([Table.Date],Today())<0 or DateDiff([Table.Date],'2024-06-08')<0, [Table.AmountToSum], 0 )
Tim, thank you for responding. What I am trying to display is the sum of =$PayAmount which is=Payments.CuryConvCury([APPaySelReport.DocCuryID], [CashAccount.CuryID], [APPaySelReport.CuryRateType], [APPaySelReport.CuryDocBal], [@ReportDate])-$DiscTaken as of the day the customer chooses or less. I'm sure I can figure out the greater than part once I figure out the first total. I can get a total to display it's just not the correct total. For some reason anything I try only wants to show one line item only and doing a simple =SUM($PayAmount) starts to make the report go crazy. Not sure what other ideas I can try. So for example I have =Sum(IIf([APPaySelReport.PayDate] >= @ReportDate, $PayAmount, 0)) $PayAmount just won't display how I want it.